This month of October marks the beginning of the European project “Excellent peripheries for a strong European Research Area” (EXPER) in which the ITC participates together with partners from the Canary Islands and Azores, with the aim of promoting research networks of excellence.
The main objectives of the EXPER project are to promote the profiles of excellence of the ULPGC and the UAC, universities in the outermost regions of the Canary Islands and Azores, and increase their appeal to local and international talent, design and plan the institutional transformation of these universities, organize support and capacity building activities to learn from leading organizations on how to increase research excellence and unleash the innovation potential of Outermost Regions universities with a focus on knowledge transfer, and lay the groundwork for an Alliance European University Institution that strengthens integrated cooperation between the dimension of research and innovation and that of education and training.
To read the full text in Spanish: ITC