

EXPER Main Pillars

Excellent and responsible research: exchanging capabilities, resources, and Open Science abilities and tools, as well as networking activities.
Enhancing the appeal of research careers: supporting diversity and gender equality and improving career evaluation and researcher conditions.
Cooperation with surrounding ecosystem actors: exchanging with business sector and civil society and supporting creation or reinforce of technology transfer and spin-offs offices.

Work Packages

Leader: ULPGC

This WP will aim at assessing regional ecosystems of the HEI widening partners to identify barriers at institutional/regional and national level which hamper HEIs’ potential role as driver of regional development and competitiveness. On the other side, activities under this WP will aim at collecting knowledge and assessing existing cooperation models and practices ...

Leader: ULPGC

This WP aims at gathering all relevant actors in each Widening ecosystems and co-design Modernization strategies for transformations of Widening HEI based on research and innovation ...

Leader: UNICAL

The aim of this WP is to make the Widening Universities more attractive to talents through an improvement of careers’ conditions and to analyse how brain drain can be prevented or mitigated in the two outermost regions. ...

Leader: ITC

This WP will aims at sharing research & innovation strategies and roadmaps to create directional and interdisciplinary critical mass, in order to more effectively create impact for society. New research strands involving multidisciplinary research groups from ...


This WPs will aim at improving and restructuring current knowledge transfer supporting mechanisms and practices at widening organizations. In particular dedicated trainings for researchers will be organized and technical ...

Leader: ULPGC

The aims of this WP are to sustain the uptake of modernization results in Widening HEI, to prepare the establishment of a European University Alliance and to engage with additional HEIs for their inclusion in the EXPER European University Alliance. ...

Leader: CE

The aims of this WP are various. First, to raise awareness among staff of EXPER HEI, citizens and representatives of surrounding ecosystems, on the role of HEI and of research and innovation (R&I) in fostering regional development and addressing societal challenges. Secondly, to disseminate information on the project objectives, activities and expected results as well as to raise awareness on the relevance of gender equality, diversity and responsible research in R&I. ...

Leader: ULPGC

Objective: The aim of this WP is to manage the project and ensure results are reached, guarantee a continuous exchange of information among partners and with the EC Services, and organise meetings appropriately.

Expected Impacts

  • Increased science and innovation capacities for all actors in the Research & Innovation (R&I) system in widening countries.
  • Structural changes leading to a modernized and more competitive R&I systems in eligible countries.
  • Reformed R&I systems and institutions leading also to increased attractiveness and retention of research talents.
  • Higher participation success in Horizon Europe and more consortium leadership roles and improved outreach to international scale for all actors.
  • Stronger linkages between academia and business and improved career permeability.
    Strengthened role of the Higher Education sector in research and innovation.
  • Greater involvement of regional actors in R&I process.
