
WP7 – Dissemination

Leader: Consulta Europa

The aims of this WP are:

Objective: The aims of this WP are various. First, to raise awareness among staff of EXPER HEI, citizens and representatives of surrounding ecosystems, on the role of HEI and of research and innovation (R&I) in fostering regional development and addressing societal challenges. Secondly, to disseminate information on the project objectives, activities and expected results as well as to raise awareness on the relevance of gender equality, diversity and responsible research in R&I.

This WP will also work to foster the uptake of EXPER results and support their replication in other European Union HEIs and to inform about the preparation of an EXPER European University Alliance.

  • T7.1 Dissemination strategy & visual identity
  • T7.2 Project website and media dissemination
  • T7.3 Focused communication campaigns
  • T7.4 Outreach to citizens, organization and participation in events
  • T7.5 Outreach to children and schools