A team from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and Consulta Europa (CE) embarked on a promotional tour across Gran Canaria from May 13th to 15th. Their mission? To spark enthusiasm among secondary school students for the “The University We Want” essay call, an initiative launched under the EXPER Project with support from the European Union.
The team visited five groups of classes across three schools: the British School of Gran Canaria (Tafira), IES Noroeste (Guía), and Colegio San José Dominicas (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria). In total, they reached over 140 students, introducing them to the essay call and its focus on the role of universities in the green and blue economy.
This school tour builds upon the initial presentation of the essay call at the Mini Science Fair 2024 held in Fuerteventura in April. Open to students in their 3rd and 4th years of secondary school and 1st and 2nd years of high school, the call invites participants to share their visions for university transformation, future priorities, and building resilience in the face of current social challenges.
The deadline for submitting essays is July 2024, with students encouraged to focus on themes of Blue and Circular Economy, the Importance of Research for Society, and The Ideal university.
To further amplify the essay call and engage even more young minds, the EXPER Project has also launched a social media photo contest. Participants in Spain are encouraged to upload a creative photo related to their essay topic and tag @exper.project while using the hashtag #TheUniversityWeWant on Instagram and other platforms.
For full details on the essay call guidelines and requirements, students can visit the official EXPER Project website: https://exper-project.eu/convocatoria-de-ensayos/