
“The University We Want” Essay Call Sparks Youth Dialogue on Green and Blue Economy

Gran Canaria, Spain – This week, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in collaboration with Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation SL, launched the “The University We Want” Call for Essays under the EXPER Project, financially supported by the European Union. This initiative aims to create a vibrant space for fostering dialogue among young minds regarding the crucial role of universities in the green and blue economy.

Open to 3rd and 4th-year secondary school students as well as 1st and 2nd-year high school students, the call invites participants to share their visions and proposals concerning university transformation, future priorities, and resilience in the face of contemporary social challenges.

Running from April 2024 to July 2024, students are encouraged to submit essays related to the following themes:

  1. Blue and Circular Economy
  2. The Importance of Research for Society
  3. The Ideal University

Additionally, a Photo Contest on Social Media has been announced in Spanish, inviting participants to upload a creative photo related to their essay and tag @exper.project while using the hashtag #TheUniversityWeWant on Instagram and other social platforms. This initiative aims to amplify the reach of the essay call and engage more young individuals in shaping “The University We Want.”

Interested participants can access the call’s guidelines and requirements by visiting the official EXPER Project website and clicking on the following link: Convocatoria de Ensayos – The University We Want. Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute your ideas and be part of building the future of our universities!

Azores – Coming soon!

In the upcoming months, the “The University We Want” essay contest will expand its reach to the Azores region. The University of the Azores in São Miguel Island and Terinov in Terceira will collaborate to conduct similar activities among secondary students in the region. This expansion reflects the project’s commitment to engaging youth across different territories and fostering a broader dialogue on the future of universities and their role in sustainable development. Stay tuned for more details on how students in the Azores can participate and contribute their perspectives to this important discussion!